Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Snow Day


I live in a very close suburb of Washington DC.  Last night it snowed.  This means that everything was closed today, including the Federal Government.  That leads to no traffic, and busy homes full of children, pets, mommies and daddies and lots of snowmen and snowball fights.  I LOVE snow days. We stay in our jammies all day, drink hot chocolate and watch movies. Even though my children are all adults and we do not have school to miss I still like the idea of a good old fashion snow day.

My husband stayed home and worked from our kitchen table, while I worked along side him.  He took calls and I worked on pictures and portfolios.  It was quiet and lovely.  We did seem to sneak out an hour to take a long walk in the snow. 

We lived in Buffalo NY  for awhile in our marriage and we used to love our long walks in the snow. The peace and quiet of the smooth snow and the cold air biting your face as you pushed through inches of untrodden snow.  I thought our walk today would be nice but nothing like our walks in yesteryear.  First I thought it wouldn't be quite as deep, or as cold. Then I thought since I live just outside of one of the most populated cities in the country it would be full of people. {remember the city was closed for the day}  Much to my surprise it was bitter cold, the snow was deep and there was no one in sight. 

As we plowed along we talked about the walks we had taken in the 27 years we've been together. The sledding with the kids in St.Louis and Buffalo and the skiing in Tennessee and Colorado.  I came to the conclusion that even though I am from the great state of Oklahoma and I love my Heat, I am a true snow lover.  I have the fondest memories of my daddy pulling me along the ski slopes at the grand ole' age of 6 and mastering the bunny hill that same year.  My daddy loves the snow too.  He loved to ski, but most of all I think he loved riding the ski lifts with me and blowing warm air into my gloves to warm up my hands.  Or the time I needed a ride to the Doctor because my car was snowed in and here came my daddy in his four wheel drive, barreling around the corner to save the day.  He pulled up and hopped out of the truck, to come to the door to get me.  He was dressed in his shearling coat, Stetson Cowboy hat, and big snow boats.  He meant business.  Needless to say I made it to the doctor on time!  

Today our walk was lovely.  We met neighbors, dogs, and children sledding.  It was a true gift in the middle of a February Week.

Molly xoxo

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