is the first day I will take on this adventure.
Everyday, as I live my life, I see many things. I am always taking in my surroundings. I relish in the fact that we are immersed in
color, and objects that have so much meaning.
I am privileged to live in a community that is deep in culture and
heritage, history and treasures. I plan
to carry my camera everyday. I would
like to show off what I see. The things that make me the person that I am. My eyes are filled with light and it illuminates my soul. I want to become a better photographer along the way. Constantly working on my craft and my art to
make it captivating. I will blog this
adventure. Some days will be so boring I
will put myself to sleep as I type, and others so full of adventure that my
life will jump off the page, dancing, whirling like leaves in the wind.
I am
not a writer. I am a mother. I am a daughter, sister, wife and friend. A
strong independent woman who just so happens to have stayed home to raise my
children. I am a tree. I am the base of
this family and my branches and twigs reach toward the sky.
I begin with a Door. A RED door. It is what I saw while driving my daughter
home today. It is what I saw while I
gave independence and life to my daughter today. It is what I saw in the town that gives my
daughter so much joy and adventure. It
is the perfect day to open this door and see what I see in 365 days.
I am excited to see where the journey takes you. I am taking this journey right along side of you. Thank you for sharing your world with us. With me.